Discover The
Carlann’s degrees and professional experience exceeds the requirements for psychometric testing and measurement as set by the American Psychological Association. This gives her access to and experience with a multitude of leadership, psychometric and personality assessments that cover any possible need.
Carlann is Master Certified on Numerous Assessments.
Here are Two of the Assessments She Recommends Most Often:

Harrison Assessment
The Harrison Assessment is one of the most validated assessments and meets the stringent requirements for use as a selection instrument as well as a coaching assessment. It is available in 42 languages. It is unique in that it analyzes the leader on 175 traits and maps these to predict success for the specific job and leadership level based on over 600+ jobs researched over 30 years.
Executive & Leadership Coaching
Leadership Competencies and Paradoxes
The Job Suitability leadership competency report enable the leader to understand their preferred traits as compared to highly successful leaders in the same position and leadership level.
The leadership paradox report enables leaders to understand the balance needed between different traits to be effective. ParadoxTechnology accurately determines whether a person's strong behavioral traits are genuine strengths or costly derailers. This determination is a crucial consideration most traditional assessments fail to make.
Acquiring Talent
Hiring the wrong individual is a costly mistake. The Harrison is one of the few assessments validated for selection. Using predictive data, you can learn if your candidate is a fit to the position and culture. Carlann can also help you determine the potential areas of concern, create a customized candidate interview guide and create a customized reference interview guide based on these results.
Develop & Engage Talent
Identify critical engagement & retention factors and target develop plans across individuals, team and organizational culture.
Understand whether key engagement expectations are being met and what action you need to take at both an individual and group level.

360 Truscore Assessment
TruScore’s 360-degree feedback assessments are highly validated, reliable and role-specific. The assessments focus on both competencies and behaviors that are observable and trainable. Although I’m certified in other 360s, here is why I choose TruScore:
Each assessment is specific to the competencies and expectations for the organizational level of the participant. The first section is comprised of multiple questions requiring a response using a 1-7 rating system of Never to Always. The number of questions depends on the survey selected and ranges from 47-69. The second part is a write-in section to respond to the following questions: 1) What should this person do that should be continued? 2) What should this person do to be more effective? 3) What does this person do that should be stopped? This combination of rated questions and write-in comments provides a comprehensive view of perceptions and the behaviors creating those perceptions.
TruScore’s assessments are provided on a secure Single Sign On (SSO) platform that includes data privacy, encryption, Intrusion Prevention and Detection, access control, and regular vulnerability testing.
Rater Options
Each assessment includes multiple rater levels that include, Self, Manager, Peers, and Others. If the person has a dotted-line manager, a second manager rating can be added. The Other category can include key stakeholders, external clients, board of directors, etc.
Each rater category, except for Manager, requires at least 3 raters before results are given to ensure confidentiality. In the final report provided to the participant, only response rates show for each question to ensure confidentiality. Written responses to each of the three final write-in questions, are randomly sequenced to ensure that the participant cannot guess whose comments are in which position. The only responses not confidential are the managers. This is to ensure open dialogue between the manager and participant on perceptions.
Rather than relying completely upon raw scores, TruScore uses a combination of raw scores, norms and centiles. This allow comparison to a rich data base of scores from thousands who were assessed in similar roles. These norms are also global and include leaders and executives from mid-sized to Fortune 500s. This allows the participant to be normed against highly successful leaders in a similar role. Highly successful leaders are defined as those who receive outstanding performance ratings, tend to be promoted faster, and earn more stock/bonuses from their companies.
Task Cycle
Each survey includes a task cycle, or order of competency areas for the position. The participant’s performance across the Task Cycle phases predicts how others perceive the impact of their efforts. Each Task Cycle is organized sequentially, with the phases of greatest leverage appearing first. As a result, if the participant focuses on developing capacity in the earliest phases of the cycle, they will see the greatest benefit to their entire performance as a manager.

Role Specific Assessments:
TruScore Offers a Variety of Assessments Tailored Specifically to Organization Level and Roles.
Executive Leadership Survey:
Main Task Competencies:
- Leadership Vision
- Risk Taking-Innovation
- Talent and Team Development
- Industry and Market Insight
- Customer Focus
- Plus 14 more
Leadership EQ:
Main Task Competencies:
- Leadership Vision
- Organizational Effectiveness
- Self-Awareness
- Delivers Results
- Passion/Enthusiasm
- Plus 10 more
Advanced Management Practices:
Main Task Competencies:
- Envisioning Opportunities
- Empowering Employees
- Managing Conflict
- Standards of Performance
- Persuasiveness
- Plus 12 more
Leadership Competencies for Managers:
Main Task Competencies:
- Envisioning Opportunities
- Communicating Effectively
- Problem Solving
- Team Development
- Providing Feedback
- Persuasiveness
- Plus 11 more
Survey of Management Practices:
Main Task Competencies:
- Clarification of Goals
- Upward Communication
- Work Facilitation
- Team Building
- Feedback
- Plus 12 more
Aspiring to Leadership:
Main Task Competencies:
- Commitment to Goals
- Problem Solving/Resourcefulness
- Working with Diversity
- Functional Expertise
- Openness to Feedback
- Dependability
- Plus 8 more
Technical Professionals:
Main Task Competencies:
- Innovation
- Work Planning
- Problem Solving
- Functional Expertise
- Personal Drive
- Plus 9 more